Our mission is to help people learn, grow and heal through the benefits of the human animal bond. We achieve this by positive, inspiring , therapeutic interactions with our amazing and quirky mix of companion animals.
Eden Animal Haven delivers Animal Assisted Activities, including Animal Assisted Therapy/Interventions, and Animal Assisted Education.
Animal Assisted Therapy is provided to individuals and or organisations and education providers. We specialise in working with neuro-diverse individuals, individuals recovering from substance miss-use, and those with additional needs.
Animal Education Workshops are provided to Schools, Clubs, Charities, Home Schooling (including alternative provisions). We also work in residential Care Home for Children, Individuals with Disabilities and Older People.
Our educational and therapy based sessions with our amazing co-therapist animals are life-enhancing and places high regard for the welfare of our animals.
Animal Assisted Therapy / Interventions
Animal Assisted Therapy and Intervention is a relatively new field in the UK, with a wide range of applications/goals and benefits. We specialise in working with neuro-diverse individuals, individuals recovering from substance miss-use, supporting emotional regulation.
We work with individuals with mental health / burn-out, past substance miss-use issues, social anxieties and agoraphobia.
Our interventions are low demand, client driven and totally flexible, so ideal for individuals with ASD with a Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) profile.
Animal Assisted Education
Animal Assisted Education services cover a wide range of applications and users, from curriculum sessions covering KS 1-5 in Schools, through to Summer School Activities and home schooling.
We also specialise in providing 1-1 and small group Alternative Education for children with SEN/EHCP.
Animal Assisted Encounters in Care and for Mental Health
Animal-assisted encounters in the care setting, offer opportunities for people in care to benefit from the human-animal bond. We work with both Children and Adult Care and with profound and complex needs and disabilities.
We work with mental health services, addiction recovery services, as well as Assisted Living Centres for all ages and needs of clients.
The Happy Cabin
Therapy sessions take place in the privacy and sanctuary of our beautiful, private wood cabin on our secluded tranquil site. We can use the happy cabin, or the outdoors for your sessions. Whichever setting you choose you will see and encounter various wildlife , calming views , and interact with beautiful animals . The choice is entirely yours to make
The Happy Cabin is private, airy and designed to make you feel both comfortable and beautifully relaxed. It’s the perfect place to escape from your everyday life and find the peace and relaxation you need.