Please help us look after our residents! We have six needy animals, for you to choose from…
These and other animals at the sanctuary have been rescued and given a home for life from situations of cruelty, abuse, and neglect, many have special care and medical needs, veterinary expenses and eat a lot! Your ‘virtual’ adoption will help us look after your chosen animal and their friends.
Sponsor a Hen
You can Sponsor one of our girls for only £5 a month. This is the ideal way to get to know a hen and learn about her adventures as she enjoys her free range retirement. We’ll send an initial sponsorship pack containing everything you need to know about your chosen feathered friend, as well as a 6 month update to let you know how she is getting along. Your monthly donation will help to feed your feathered friend and her friends.
Rio de Janeiro to “Sponsor for £7.00 per month”
Burkina Faso | Banfora to “Sponsor for £5.00 per month”
We often get Resue Hens from Bristish Hen Welfare trust (bhwt) who find caring homes for thousands of commercial laying hens destined for slaughter each year. These hens though often lacking feathers soon become hens again and enjoy the freedom of our sanctuary and will in time lay eggs. You can Sponsor one of our girls for only £5 a month. This is the ideal way to get to know a hen and learn about her adventures as she enjoys her free range retirement. We’ll send an initial sponsorship pack containing everything you need to know about your chosen feathered friend, as well as a 6 month update to let you know how she is getting along. Your monthly donation will help to feed your feathered friend and her friends.